
How to fix broken GIF images

In extreme cases, huge GIF files can require more processing power than our systems will provide, causing the images to never load.

This limitation in is place for two reasons:

  1. It promotes good practices. Our system will handle any GIF file that's reasonably-sized, but files that exceed 100MB or so typically shouldn't use the GIF format. The file should typically either be trimmed so they're shorter, the image size reduced, and/or the animation be distributed as a video, rather than a GIF.
  2. It protects our business from outrageous computing bills. Allowing our systems to process extremely huge GIF animations can easily run our monthly bills into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you need to use extremely large GIF files and notice them not working on your site, you can contact us and ask to process the GIF files manually. Just email

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